Tag Archive for: employee retention


In celebrating Women’s Day, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering an inclusive workplace where everyone, regardless of gender, can thrive and contribute their unique perspectives and talents.

3 Tips to Create Effective SMART Goals

Oftentimes when something is not accomplished or a goal is not achieved, it’s because we weren’t clear on what the path looked like specifically to get to the end. SMART goals help you focus on the act of setting goals and prompt discussion with others.

The Power of a Smile

Smiling is a simple but powerful act; a lot can be said with a smile. Not only does smiling have a direct positive impact on our mental health but it also improves our professional work relationships while boosting performance and morale. Now, what does this mean in a business context?

Creating a Culture of Trust

Workplace trust is a fundamental building block of any professional relationship. No matter your level of seniority in a company, trust reflects your character, and company members will only experience cohesion with the people that they trust. We review some practical ways for you to build and or maintain your workplace’s culture of trust.

Employee Spotlight: Michelle Soito

The biggest thing for companies hiring to keep in mind is to keep the process for every candidate consistent. This will help remove bias from your hiring process. Ultimately what is most important to evaluate is a candidate’s culture fit, their motivations and the performance of a person that translates to a successful hire, so being open minded to ALL those types of candidates is important.

Part 3 of 3: A Guide to Managing a Remote Team

How we work will never return to the days pre-COVID-19. Here are some tips on how to manage a remote team effectively.

Part 2 of 3: A Guide to Managing a Remote Team

Keeping employees engaged in pre-COVID-19 times was a challenge within itself. Now that our daily business operations have become more virtual it is even more critical to focus on successfully engaging your employees. The following tips will ensure you are engaging both current and new employees through the challenges, the depersonalization, and distractions created by remote work.

The #1 Engagement Ingredient That You Might Be Missing

With February being Black History Month, it allows us to reflect on the many ways in which diversity has shaped American history and an opportunity to consider the present and future of our work being shaped in small moments every day. Increasingly, one single standard is consistently and universally tied to a person’s workplace commitment, motivation, and overall happiness ? and that is a sense of belonging.

An Employee Retention Must Do: Why Gratitude Is Work Appropriate

Do you truly show your employees that you appreciate who they are not just what they do), making every worker feel valued and care for as people first? Before you turn your focus to your Thanksgiving plans, pause and communicate gratitude to all the individuals at your workplace who serve, support and guide you to innovate, and motivate you to bring your best self every day… You do not need a turkey to say thanks!

Top 21 Proven Ways to Engage Employees

Many employees in today’s job market quickly feel uninspired by their work, get bored after 2 years and start job hunting for something new. So we decided to speak with some of the best HR professionals and business leaders around the country to find the strategies they recommend to keep employees engaged.There are also some tips below that have been really successful at our company. Here are the top 21 employee engagement ideas that you should apply at your office.