A Military Veteran Can Easily Be Your Next Superstar

From working with over 100 companies in the last couple years, we know hiring top talent can be challenging, and knowing where to look is key to filling roles successfully. With thousands of veterans leaving the military every year, hiring a veteran is a great opportunity for organizations to discover top talent.

Is Your Team Checking Out? Here’s How to Tackle Office Boredom.

Time to engage your employees! Lets face it, even the best employees get bored and disengaged at some point in their careers, and the key is to catch it early and get them back on track before they jump ship altogether. Here are tips to reengage your bored employee.

Five Strategies for Managing Generational Differences

Generational differences impact how we manage and lead these individuals, and how we interact with each other everyday. It is critical to have a solid understanding of the generational differences. The benefits of understanding and adopting methods for managing such differences will lead to positive results, and help leaders effectively manage what behaviors will be reinforced or punished, what will be tolerated versus rejected, and what will sustain versus fall to extinction.

10 Things Your Employees Aren’t Telling You

A great leader needs to drive forward and inspire the team to focus ahead in order to achieve success. But these leaders must connect empathetically with the individual team members and realize that not all followers think like a leader or even want to do so. Still those same team members are often afraid to express their real thoughts for fear of negative repercussions from the leader and other colleagues. Here are 10 thoughts you should make it a point to surface.

Retaining Talent In A Challenging Economy

In this highly competitive market for capable employees, employers need to consider fresh ways to motivate and retain their best performers. Truly accomplished staff is hard to find and even harder to keep. Provide enough perks, promote enough benefits, and soon employees will see these incentives as essentials. They become so core to the work experience that the employee can’t imagine leaving them behind for a new employer.

It’s Time to Redefine the Rules of Employee Engagement

In an era where employee engagement is a top concern, yet levels of engagement remain stagnant at best, it’s time to rethink the way we actually interact with our employees. Here are four ways we structure our employee feedback processes so they model true employee engagement.

8 Detailed Examples Of Giving Employee Feedback

It’s amazing how much psychology and subtleties are involved in giving feedback. While some of this might seem like overkill, it’s really not. People are more sensitive than you might think, so it’s important to be compassionate when giving your feedback. Here are 8 specific examples of giving employee feedback.

Stay Connected: How Everyday Leaders Engage People

Creating a fully engaged team has a real impact on your results. Organizations in the upper echelons of employee engagement beat their counterparts in productivity, profitability, and customer ratings — in some cases by more than 20 percent. They have lower absenteeism, less shrinkage, fewer accidents, and better quality. An engaged workforce always comes back to culture, and culture always comes down to leadership at every level of your organization. Here are nine things to do every day that keep your team providing the discretionary effort you need to thrive.

If you had it to do over again, what would you do differently?

If you had it to do over again, what would you do differently-if anything? Every high performing salesperson and sales leader most likely has used this phrase to increase their professionalism. Have you? During the past 18 years of working with and training sales managers around the world this phrase is one of the most powerful lessons I believe we pass on to our clients, but it leads to additional unexpected benefits as well.