Tutorial on Planning With a Mind Map

Mind mapping is a highly effective technique to organize your thoughts, ideas and/or goals. It looks like a spider web on paper – and is formed to create clarity, understanding and comprehension. Here is a 1 minute mind mapping video tutorial.

Why Hiring Managers Don’t Read Your Resume?

Here are 7 reasons why hiring managers don’t read your resume. If one or more apply to you, change your resume to make it compelling!

Remember To Follow Up!

You’re busy. I’m busy. We’re all busy. And yet most of us are looking for new clients, or to do more business with existing clients. So why do we often fail to follow up?

9 Ways Great Leaders Demonstrate Real Authenticity

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live a truly authentic life? To have the respect of your family and co-workers, to be well liked, to be trusted by all, to make your workplace and home a better place to be, and maybe even leave the world a better place when you are no longer here? Lucky for us, becoming truly authentic, although difficult, is possible. Here are the top 9 ways leaders demonstrate their true authenticity that may help you in your journey to becoming truly authentic yourself.

5 Strategies for Becoming More Influential

Ask any effective leader about soft skills and she’ll say that developing them is anything but soft. Rather, learning how to recognize and interpret emotions in oneself and others is a hard skill to develop, but critical to leadership effectiveness nonetheless. The good news is anybody can increase personal influence. The bad news is, nothing good comes easily. It takes influential role in others’ decision-making but you can do so by adhering to 5 guidelines.

Leadership and Management – Become A Leader of the Best

Microsoft founder, Bill Gates once said, The worst thing about an average employee is not the mistakes he makes. The worst thing is that he is taking up space that could be occupied by someone phenomenal. We couldn’t agree more with Mr. Gates.

Make Success Your Choice

Success is a choice. And know that it is a guarantee that you will absolutely experience challenges and setbacks along the way AND if you live by these five principles you will always make the success your choice…

How Good Is Your Writing For Your Small Business

If you are a thriving small business, and are a small business that exists in this day in age, then you must recognize the importance of writing. The relationship between writing and business goes hand in hand. It is nearly impossible to convey the message of your business (who you are, what you do, why you exist) without the necessity of words.

7 Simple Ways to Keep You and Your Small Business Organized

Like many of us, Im sure you find its easy to become overwhelmed with all the demands of your small business. By allocating a little bit of time to get organized you may be able to have a better grasp of your small business (and everything else).

Is Your Small Business Prepared to Weather the Storm

Going into to business is no small feat. You chose to transform your passion into a business because you saw a need. But when a storm comes, whether rain, sleet or snow, demand for your product or service can be a little unpredictable.