Tag Archive for: employee engagement

8 PROVEN TIPS to Show Employee Appreciation in 2025 and Beyond!

While the holiday season provides a natural opportunity to express gratitude, what companies don’t always realize is that appreciation shouldn’t only happen 1 single time of the year. Did you know that this year in 2025, 75% of the Global Workforce are Millennials? Any current Business Leader knows today that for Millennials, recognition is critical […]

A Series: What it’s like to work at Wejungo – Kayla Schabbing

Which of the core values of Wejungo resonate most with you? The value COMMUNITY, because I love that we do our part to help the community through donation drives and volunteering events. I think that is super important and it’s something I am passionate about in my personal life. I volunteer at an animal shelter […]

A Series: What it’s like to work at Wejungo – Amelia Anderson

Which of the core values of Wejungo resonate most with you? Learning mindset has to be the value that stands out the most to me. I don’t know if I have gone a week at Wejungo over the years without learning something new. It is amazing what we can accomplish when we are open to […]

A Series: What it’s like to work at Wejungo – Lindsay Coffey

Which of the core values of Wejungo resonate most with you? There are two values of our five that resonate the most with me- Learning Mindset and Empowerment. With Learning Mindset, I think internal at our company first. Our team is always learning, trying to be better and thinking about intentional ways to do that; […]

3 Tips to Create Effective SMART Goals

Have you ever been passionate about an idea but didn’t know how to accurately achieve it? Check out our tips to help you create effective SMART goals.

Wejungo Birthaversary

Please join us in celebrating our Birthaversary of 13 years in 2024!

3 Tips to Create Effective SMART Goals

Oftentimes when something is not accomplished or a goal is not achieved, it’s because we weren’t clear on what the path looked like specifically to get to the end. SMART goals help you focus on the act of setting goals and prompt discussion with others.

Four Tips to Minimize Workplace Negativity

When there’s any form of negativity, a company can lose their employees’ trust.
What will you do today to create a more positive work environment?

3 Tips for a Smooth Employee Onboarding Process

The onboarding process is more than just hiring the perfect candidate and training them to do their job correctly. Learn more about the impact and importance of having a thorough onboarding here.

Employee Feedback and Why It’s Effective

Prioritizing the exchange of feedback in the workplace can result in a whole host of benefits- employee recognition and encouragement via the giving and receiving of feedback freely in the workplace tends to leave employees feeling more satisfied, which leads to a nearly 300% performance increase, fewer absences, and longer tenure!