Four Tips to Minimize Workplace Negativity

Workplace negativity can affect a business in numerous ways, such as decreasing project quality, loss of talent, and even customer satisfaction. What can you do to avoid a toxic work environment? 

Negativity often comes in waves. A couple of examples that may trigger negativity are hardships in someone’s personal life, job instability, lack of recognition, and workloads that are over capacity. In some cases, management and/or the team overlook this behavior which tends to keep negativity rising and unresolved. Having these issues unresolved can immensely impact the workplace environment. 

When negativity affects productivity and profitability, your company has a serious problem according to Gary S. Topchik, the author of Managing Workplace Negativity. He states, “Whether the cause of the negativity is internal or external, the results can be devastating”. Increased error rates and a lessening of work quality is one outcome that can greatly affect a company as a whole. If a team isn’t focused on improving the workplace, it’s possible a company can fall apart. 

According to a journal entry by Patrice Zyry, “competent team members possess essential skills and abilities to accomplish a set of objectives.”,= A team should always go the extra mile to shy away from negativity and give attention to their work.

Here are 4 tips to effectively avoid workplace negativity: 

#1: Define and Communicate Expectations 

Address miscommunication before an issue arises. Everyone thinks differently, which is why it’s important to always ask questions when there’s any confusion. A benefit to effective communication is it can enhance employee productivity and performance. With effective communication, employees can better comprehend their role and reduce stress.   When employees are motivated, they will drive a company to success.  

#2: Lead Change 

Implement changes when you realize there might be an issue between employees, or with one specific employee. Although every employee on the team is important, they want to feel important too! Taking the time to listen and apply changes when needed can prevent turnover and create a positive work environment. Assess the situation in a positive way because you never know what the outcome will be. 

#3: Set and Achieve Work Standards 

Setting standards goes hand in hand with communication because you’re creating an easy outline for your employees to follow. Modeling work standards equips employees with guidelines, whether it’s for a project or their job role, while making it easier to accomplish specific goals. Employees enjoy being on the same page as their colleagues, it keeps a rhythm going and sets a clear path for all projects. 

#4: Mentor One Another 

Trust is one of the most important attributes in the workplace. Trust doesn’t come as easily as one might think. It takes time to build trust with one another. Being a mentor to your team is crucial because it allows employees to feel comfortable with you, builds trust, and mutual respect. It’s great to always strive to be as supportive as you can to one another, not judgmental. 

When there’s any form of negativity, a company can lose their employees’ trust. Having positive experiences in the workplace can ultimately reduce stress and tensions between co-workers, and create a sense of belonging. By communicating clearly, addressing issues as they arise, modeling a positive work environment, and establishing trust, you will be well on your way to minimizing workplace negativity!

What will you do today to create a more positive work environment?