Part 1 of 3: A Guide to Managing a Remote Team

In response to the uncertainties presented by Covid-19, the new “stay-in order” has forced many employees and their managers to adopt a work-from-home life instead of working together in an office. The following tips were recently shared with our clients who now have a newly remote workforce, and they will help you and your team be productive regardless of where a person works.

HR PLANNING WEEK 2: A Company’s MAP to Building an Effective Remote Workforce

I’d like to spend my time this week sharing our Wejungo “MAP” to building an effective remote workforce touching on 3 important areas. With these new tools and ideas, what will you commit to doing differently this week to MAP out success for your newly remote workforce?

HR Planning Advice During COVID-19: Planning Not Just Reacting

With the recent growth of COVID-19, most CA companies are required to have their staff work from home. For companies being forced into this remote working structure, this can pose a challenge because there has been no time to create nor plan for the best technologies, accountability structures, and documented processes. Here are the 3 Key Actions I recommend all CA companies do immediately to better plan not just react.

The #1 Engagement Ingredient That You Might Be Missing

With February being Black History Month, it allows us to reflect on the many ways in which diversity has shaped American history and an opportunity to consider the present and future of our work being shaped in small moments every day. Increasingly, one single standard is consistently and universally tied to a person’s workplace commitment, motivation, and overall happiness ? and that is a sense of belonging.

2 of 3 Interview Tips to help companies HIRE RIGHT the First Time: PART 2

When interviewing, we all want to believe we are fair and that we will pick the best person for the job, right? Interview thoroughly, assess objectively, and you will increase the chances that you will hire the best candidate!

An Employee Retention Must Do: Why Gratitude Is Work Appropriate

Do you truly show your employees that you appreciate who they are not just what they do), making every worker feel valued and care for as people first? Before you turn your focus to your Thanksgiving plans, pause and communicate gratitude to all the individuals at your workplace who serve, support and guide you to innovate, and motivate you to bring your best self every day… You do not need a turkey to say thanks!

Hiring Horror: Are you Spooked by Ghostings? ? Don’t Become Your Own Worst Nightmare

What may be a notorious and cruel dating practice is now creeping into the workplace as more employers report being “ghosted” by job seekers who NO SHOW to an interview or by their own newly hired employees who end all communications without any explanation or outright vanish without a trace. But is “ghosting” just happening to employers? Businesses need to take steps in helping create a more transparent, more meaningful, and more people-first recruitment process. Be a treat, not a trick.

How to Manage 5 Generations in the Workplace

With Generation Z beginning to enter the workforce, this is the first time in history where FIVE generations are working together. How should employers and employees navigate this new complexity?

Community Spotlight: TERI, Inc.

We are in business to serve our community. Being active in the community is good for business for several reasons; it gives employees a sense of purpose and commitment and can help with recruitment and retention when employees know that community involvement is a top priority at their organization.

How to ACE the Interview

In today’s competitive job market, navigating an interview might feel like a daunting task, but with enough preparation, you can stand out from the competition and ACE the interview. The three things you must do in an interview to stand out are the following: 1) Do your homework. 2) Ask GOOD, THOUGHTFUL questions. 3) Match your accomplishments to the job description requirements.