It’s Time to Redefine the Rules of Employee Engagement

In an era where employee engagement is a top concern, yet levels of engagement remain stagnant at best, it’s time to rethink the way we actually interact with our employees. Here are four ways we structure our employee feedback processes so they model true employee engagement.

Hiring Smart Rather than Managing Tough is EASY

As the hiring manager, it should be your absolute #1 priority to hire the right people. Too often, we see companies wasting enormous amounts of time managing C players, rather than investing in making smart hires. How do you avoid hiring the wrong people, and ultimately hire ONLY the right people? Here are 5 things the BEST hiring managers are doing.

8 Common Cover Letter Mistakes To Avoid

We live in a world where 90% of hiring managers don’t read cover letters, yet 53% of employersadmit that they prefer candidates who send a cover letter. Meaning, your cover letter is positively acknowledged, but it probably won’t get read.?So if nobody’s reading it, why bother? Because anything that sets you apart from the candidates you’re up against is an absolute must.

4 Ways to Make Your Company More Millennial Friendly

Millennial retention rates are incredibly tiny. Companies are left scratching their heads wondering why their millennial workforce always seems to jump ship. Just 13% of millennials in one study agreed that someone should stay in a company for at least five years before leaving. We are going to show you four of the best ways to make your company millennial-friendly.

8 Detailed Examples Of Giving Employee Feedback

It’s amazing how much psychology and subtleties are involved in giving feedback. While some of this might seem like overkill, it’s really not. People are more sensitive than you might think, so it’s important to be compassionate when giving your feedback. Here are 8 specific examples of giving employee feedback.