Business team sitting together in a meeting

8 PROVEN TIPS to Show Employee Appreciation in 2025 and Beyond!

While the holiday season provides a natural opportunity to express gratitude, what companies don’t always realize is that appreciation shouldn’t only happen 1 single time of the year.

Did you know that this year in 2025, 75% of the Global Workforce are Millennials?

Any current Business Leader knows today that for Millennials, recognition is critical for maintaining employee engagement and most importantly, to ensure they feel appreciated.

It’s a FACT!

So, how can you ensure that your ENTIRE team, not just Millennials, feel appreciated all year long?

Full length of young modern people in smart casual wear having a discussion while walking through the large modern office

Here are 8 TIPS we had our clients do last year and they have proven to work for a company small or big, to consistently show their appreciation to their team(s):

1. TIP #1 – Personalize Your Appreciation

Employees value personalized rewards. Make sure you know what type of reward will allow your employee to feel most appreciated. Personalized gestures may be a handwritten card, a lunch out to spend quality time together, a massage certificate or candy!

“I was blown away when I opened my email inbox, and there was a thoughtful email from my manager on what she appreciated most about me and a gift card for me to take someone special to me out to dinner, wow, what an amazing gesture!” – Sarah

2. TIP #2 – Take the Time to Celebrate Team Achievements

Recognizing accomplishments as a team is a powerful way to foster a sense of belonging and inclusivity. Gallup found that 60% of employees are more engaged when they feel their collective efforts are valued.

“This year our company hosted a virtual wine-tasting event to say thank you to every employee, from the receptionist to the VP of sales. We were all together, our entire team, nationwide enjoying wine, celebrating our team and laughing, it was such a great memory for our team!” – Jonathan

3. Invest in Professional Development

Offering various professional development opportunities is a great way to show employees that you care about their future! A LinkedIn survey found that 94% of employees would stay longer at a company that offers career growth opportunities.

“I’m so thankful for the mentorship programs, leadership workshops, and online certifications available in my role. They’ve helped me grow both personally and professionally, and I truly appreciate how much my company encourages these opportunities. It makes me feel excited and confident about continuing to grow in my career!” – Stephanie

4. Offer Flexible Work Arrangements

The holidays can be stressful. Offering flexibility—like additional time off or remote work options—helps employees balance their personal and professional lives. According to Gallup, 54% of employees would appreciate flexible work options.

“Having the flexibility to adjust my hours and work remotely when needed has been a game-changer for me. Whether it’s attending my kids’ school events or handling personal appointments, I feel supported in balancing work and life. It’s made me more focused and productive, knowing my company truly values my well-being.” – Parker

5. Promote Health and Wellness

Stress levels rise during the holidays, and employees appreciate companies prioritizing their well-being. The American Psychological Association found that 56% of employees prefer wellness incentives over monetary rewards.

“As a new hire, I was thrilled to see how much the company invests in employee wellness. From the gym membership reimbursement to the meditation app subscription, it’s clear they care about our health year-round. These benefits have made me feel supported from day one, helping me stay energized and focused as I settle into my role.” – Brianna

6. Express Gratitude with Meaningful Feedback

Employees who receive regular recognition are 3x more likely to stay with their employer. Saying “thank you” and providing specific feedback shows your employees that their contributions matter.

“During a busy season, I was feeling really overwhelmed but receiving a personalized thank-you note from my manager completely shifted my mindset. Knowing that my hard work was noticed and appreciated reminded me why I love what I do. It was such a thoughtful gesture that motivated me to keep pushing through.” – Riley

7. Build a Culture of Peer-to-Peer Recognition

Peer-to-peer recognition is often more impactful than top-down recognition. According to Deloitte, peer recognition is highly correlated with employee satisfaction and engagement.

“Our company’s use of a platform like Slack for peer recognition has been such a game-changer. Through a dedicated #Kudos channel, we can highlight each other’s successes in real-time, whether it’s nailing a big project or lending a helping hand. It’s inspiring to see the positivity flowing daily, and it’s made our team feel more connected and appreciated.” – Nick

8. Share the Company’s Success with Employees

Employees feel more engaged when they understand how their contributions support the company’s success.

“During our team meetings, our manager always makes a point to celebrate the company’s achievements and thank everyone for their hard work. Last month, when we hit a big sales target, he recognized how each team’s efforts contributed. It really made me feel like my work matters and is part of something bigger” – Jay

The Business Impact of Continuous Appreciation

While it’s easy to focus on recognition & appreciation during the holidays at the end of the year, the true power of employee engagement & appreciation comes from making it a consistent and year-round practice. Gallup’s research shows that employees who feel “engaged” in their roles are 21% more productive and 22% more profitable than those who do not.

“My company truly cares about who I am as a person, I feel valued, and I want to perform better, and I’m always recommending our company to others!” – Jesse

This blog was written by Grace Boyle, Talent Strategy Coordinator at Wejungo