Stay Connected: How Everyday Leaders Engage People

Creating a fully engaged team has a real impact on your results. Organizations in the upper echelons of employee engagement beat their counterparts in productivity, profitability, and customer ratings — in some cases by more than 20 percent. They have lower absenteeism, less shrinkage, fewer accidents, and better quality. An engaged workforce always comes back to culture, and culture always comes down to leadership at every level of your organization. Here are nine things to do every day that keep your team providing the discretionary effort you need to thrive.

If you had it to do over again, what would you do differently?

If you had it to do over again, what would you do differently-if anything? Every high performing salesperson and sales leader most likely has used this phrase to increase their professionalism. Have you? During the past 18 years of working with and training sales managers around the world this phrase is one of the most powerful lessons I believe we pass on to our clients, but it leads to additional unexpected benefits as well.

9 Ways Great Leaders Demonstrate Real Authenticity

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live a truly authentic life? To have the respect of your family and co-workers, to be well liked, to be trusted by all, to make your workplace and home a better place to be, and maybe even leave the world a better place when you are no longer here? Lucky for us, becoming truly authentic, although difficult, is possible. Here are the top 9 ways leaders demonstrate their true authenticity that may help you in your journey to becoming truly authentic yourself.